Manjula Karamcheti, David Coffey and I were honored to be chosen to offer a workshop “Together! A Tool to Design With and For All Voices” at SXSWEDU 2020. This workshop is part of current collaborations to highlight key actions of justice, equity, participatory and restorative practices through the Compass, in pursuit of the ultimate question for this work: can we create powerful yet accessible ways to begin to move forward together across our greatest gaps, with and for all voices?

Participants will leave with this new practice, but more importantly, will use it together to create more approaches for designing with all voices, even in tough tensions.

The slides are here (thumbnail below). Note that slide builds and timers don’t work in PDF, but the (much larger file) PPT is available on request. A few of the stories we show/tell are in the short Getting Smart posts here (higher ed) and here (K-12), and in videos here, here and here. All are among the resources on this site.

The handout is here (thumbnail below).

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The slides include some of the tips from the Innovators’ Compass Pocket Compass card we’ll had out (a print-and-fold version is here) and two additional tips sheets that we will not be printing but are here for additional reference.

All these graphics are free on the Resources tab of this website so people can use and share them to move forward together. We just ask that keep the attribution on these, and email or tweet your experiences when you use them.